Time For Change

Stand Up for Hoxie: Demand Integrity and Honest Leadership for Our Community

The rights of Hoxie’s citizens are the cornerstone of its democracy, and we will defend them at all cost

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Why We're Doing the Recall:

Mayor Dennis Coggins has repeatedly violated the trust of the people of Hoxie. Here are the most recent illegal actions that have prompted this recall effort:

Unauthorized Construction Projects

Mayor initiated legal actions without city council approval, violating legal procedures.

Unapproved Legal Actions

Mayor obtained city assets without proper authorization, breaching administrative protocols.

Unauthorized Acquisitions

Mayor made acquisitions without official consent, disregarding procedural norms.

Integrity is essential in leadership. Hoxie deserves an honest mayor, not someone like Mayor Coggins.

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Make a difference

Hoxie needs a mayor who respects the law and its people.

Hoxie deserves a leader who upholds the law and prioritizes the welfare of its citizens. Join us in advocating for integrity and accountability in local governance.

Most recent illegal actions of Mayor Dennis Coggins

How long will the citizens of Hoxie allow this malfeasance to continue? It is long past time to remove this mayor before he hurts us any longer!

  • Built an entire city hall annex without city council approval

  • Instituted a lawsuit against an individual without authorization by the City Council.

  • ⁠Attempted to violate a citizens 1st Amendment Right to Freedom of Speech who criticized him on social media.

  • Obtained a tractor on behalf of the city without city council approval.

  • Denied and stalled production of very basic Freedom of Information requests which ultimately caused the city to needlessly pay over $10,000 in lawyer fees.

  • Uses his position as mayor to employ several of his own family members.

Support the Change

Our city deserves better

Our community deserves leadership that prioritizes honesty, transparency, and progress. Let’s work together to bring positive change to our city.

Transparent Leadership

Our city deserves leaders who prioritize transparency and keep the public informed about their decisions and actions.

Community Engagement:

Our city deserves a leader who actively engages with the community, listens to their concerns, and works collaboratively to address them.

Positive Vision for Hoxie

Hoxie deserves a mayor with a positive vision for the future, focused on growth, improvement, and the well-being of all residents.

Efficient Use of Resources

Our city deserves leadership that manages resources wisely, avoiding unnecessary expenses and that taxpayer money is used effectively.

Respect for the Law

Hoxie deserves a mayor who respects and upholds the law, ensuring that all actions are legally compliant and ethical.


Hoxie deserves a mayor who is accountable to the citizens, ensuring that all actions and expenditures are above board and for the community's benefit

Lawsuit Exposes Hoxie's FOIA Violations

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